Pecan Street Posts

July 14, 2022

During Texas’ Heatwave, Every Degree Matters. And so Do Conservation and Efficiency.

By Scott Hinson, chief technology officer, Pecan Street – For the second time in a week, Texas’ grid operator (ERCOT) and local utilities yesterday issued “calls for conservation” as the state bakes under a prolonged heatwave. Among the requests: increase your thermostat setpoint to 78 degrees to reduce state-wide air conditioner load. It’s unsurprising that air conditioning increases electricity demand during a heatwave. But it may surprise you to know just how powerful a driver it is and how close it can push the state toward a real problem.

Illustration of dataport dots
July 7, 2022

Pecan Street’s JupyterHub Can Help Rapidly Scale and Iterate Your Research

By Cavan Merski, data analyst, Pecan Street – To allow better access and more sophisticated analysis of this data, we launched our own Jupyterhub, a multi-user server for Jupyter Notebooks designed to support large-scale analysis by using GPU and memory based on a server rather than a local machine. It also allows multiple users – like groups of students or researchers – to share the same document at the same time.

May 12, 2022

Cooling a Warming Planet:  What Homes in Texas and New York Can Teach Us About Cooling Demand Around the Globe

By Cavan Merski, data analyst, Pecan Street – We were interested to see how our homes in these two regions compared now and what will happen in the future as climate change brings warmer summers to most of the country, so we performed a series of regressions to explore differences in the cooling load between homes in Austin, TX homes and Ithaca, NY.

Digital network illustration
March 1, 2022

Delaware Voluntary Participation Agreement

Following is a participant agreement for Pecan Street’s current volunteer recruitment in Delaware. By completing and submitting this form, you are agreeing to the terms outlined below. Please read this agreement carefully. It explains all of the roles and responsibilities for Pecan Street Inc. and the research participants. After reading the agreement, you will be […]

February 9, 2022

A Year After Winter Storm Uri, a Look at Smart Solutions to Strengthen the Grid

By Cavan Merski, data analyst, Pecan Street Inc. – Microgrids get name-dropped a lot. And for good reason. The promise of a smarter, more resilient, and cleaner grid is enough to make any energy geek swoon. But given all the buzz, there’s a short supply of guidance on how we can deploy microgrid technology at scale. Pecan Street’s new analysis puts our energy data expertise to work to answer part of the microgrid riddle – how can big data enable widespread microgrid deployment?

January 21, 2022

Financing Will Drive Adoption of Regenerative Ag

By Jill Harlow – Data will drive the financial resources that emerge to help farmers and ranchers transition to regenerative agriculture. Our new white paper, Financing the Transition to Regenerative Agriculture and Beyond, examines how traditional agricultural funding resources can adapt to support innovative agricultural practices and inventories key players that are leading the way.

January 7, 2022

Next Level Energy Research Requires Mountains of Data

By Steve Mock – Beyond any one analysis, there’s a bigger reason why we collect so much data. Emerging tools like artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize how we generate, move, store and use critical resources like electricity and water. But to reach their potential, these tools require mountains of data.

December 2, 2021

The Better Your Data, The Better Your Microgrid

By Cavan Merski, data analyst, Pecan Street Inc. – Microgrids get name-dropped a lot. And for good reason. The promise of a smarter, more resilient, and cleaner grid is enough to make any energy geek swoon. But given all the buzz, there’s a short supply of guidance on how we can deploy microgrid technology at scale. Pecan Street’s new analysis puts our energy data expertise to work to answer part of the microgrid riddle – how can big data enable widespread microgrid deployment?

November 12, 2021

COP Should Embrace Community-based Climate Solutions

An effective way to cut through climate rhetoric and overcome the paralyzing pressure of climate anxiety is to simply get to work on something immediate and tangible.

November 7, 2021

COP 26 Leaders Should Center Equity in Everything They Do – The Climate Fight Depends on It

Climate change requires all hands on deck. And it requires solutions designed to improve the way the energy system works for everyone. At COP 26, leaders are gathered to develop a global strategy for addressing climate change, and increasingly they’re prioritizing energy equity in the process.


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